New Cyber vulnerabilities are found daily.  Malware, Ransomware, Cybercrimes, Identity Theft, viruses, and worms are only a few of the realistic daily threats businesses and citizens face on a daily basis.  Inspired Designs monitors the daily vulnerabilities and threats, and advise clients on the best known solutions for the risks they face.


Continuous analysis through data collection, risk assessment, and threat detection is vital to businesses.


Small businesses are more likely to be impacted by cyber threats and data breaches because they are deemed easier targets.  Implementing recommended security measures and continuous assessment of security measures can greatly reduce your risk of being impacted by cyber threats.


Cyber Security and Cyber Awareness training has become a necessary element for businesses.  Cyber Professionals who implemnet security measures and employees who use computers need to remain vigilant and up to date on the ever increasing risks, threats and vulnerabilities and safety measures.